Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Another Teddy - especially for MOM

My mother, Catherine B Hall, is the person most responsible for my creative talents. She is the one who encouraged me to explore them. When I was very young she set an example of creating, by sewing my clothes. We would go window shopping and then she would come home and make me whatever I wanted. In those days, it was much cheaper to make a garment than to buy it. That is not the case now with mass production and huge end of the season clearance sales. But it set the bar high for me. I could always have something that was my own. Something that though it was in style, it was just enough different that it wasn't like anyone else's. I loved that. I became my own person because of that and never felt the need to look like everyone else. Yes, there were times that I did follow the crowd, but it was because it was my choice - not because I was trying to fit in.

My mother lived with us for 10 years and was a big part of our lives. She has been in an rehabs and assisted living centers for the last 11 months. At Christmas time this year it will be a year since I have been her companion and caregiver and her 89th birthday. I wanted to do something special for her, because quite honestly, at her age, I may not have very many more Christmases to celebrate with her.

When I created the heirloom teddy bears last month, I got the idea to make a Teddy Bear for my mom. She loves stuffed animals. But this one really had to be SPECIAL.

So I got out my silk remnants from all the wedding dresses I made. I opened my embroidery files on my computer and picked the perfect floral designs to adorn Teddy and I started to work.

To see the progress as it happened check out my FACEBOOK PHOTO ALBUM.
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1 comment:

Megan B said...

Karen...this is BEAUTIFUL! I know your mom will love it and what a unique gift!! :)