I want "THANKFULNESS" to become a way of life for me.
So here it is in case you are interested.
The # before each "thankful" is the date I posted that "thankful" on FB.
3. Another beautiful day in Texas. Two sweet little grandboys to play with. All the bills are paid for this month. I have a lot to be thankful for. I will do it everyday, not just on November 26th. God is so good.
5. A beautiful Thursday......Hope all my friends are blessed beyond measure today.
6. I am thankful for the end of another good week and the beginning of a great weekend. Tomorrow I will see dolphins and whales.
7. I am thankful for a wonderful day in San Antonio. The weather was WONDERFUL!!!!
8. I am thankful that I don’t have to go out in the rain anymore this weekend. I am home to stay.
9. I am thankful for a new week. I am also thankful for a place to CREATE.
9. I am thankful that we have food….even if the meat is tough. LOL. How can cubed steak be tough? My chicken fried steak was a bust tonight.
10. I am thankful for a husband who works so hard to take care of our family. And I am thankful that because of him, I can take care of my mom and keep her here rather than alone in a nursing home.
11. I am thankful that Wednesday is grocery store day. It means we will have fresh food to eat for the next week.
11. I am thankful for all those men and women who server our country in the military. And for those who served in the past. I am thankful that because of them, I can live in a great country of Freedom.
12. I am thankful for good news. Yesterday was a day of good news concerning friends health issues. Thankful for answered prayer.
13. I am thankful for Friday and another wonderful weekend adventure with my sweetie. I don’t know what that adventure will be…..just know it WILL be an adventure.
14. I am thankful for a warm soft bed and a good night’s sleep that leaves me refreshed for a new day with my family.
15. I am thankful for the glimpses of sunshine that pokes from behind the clouds occasionally.
16. I am thankful for my wonderful daughter in loves, April and Amy. Today is April’s birthday. I am celebrating today because when she was born, God knew she was going to be my son’s wife. I had to wait to get daughters but God blessed me with the best. I am thankful for their mothers who showed them by example how to love God and their families.
17. I am thankful for a place to create. And loads of things to create with. And a supportive husband who understands my need to create.
18. I am thankful for the heater that keeps my home warm and comfy when it is cold outside.
19. I am thankful for my brother, who helps with my mom whenever I need it and takes care of the details. He often steps outside of his comfort zone to do what he can.
20. Today I am thankful for the rain on the roof and the snores in my ears (My sweetie on one side and Puppie on the other). It means I have a home and I am not alone.
21. I am thankful for a day of creating and an an evening with my LOVE.
22. I am thankful for the people in my life. I am so richly blessed by my family and friends.
23. I am thankful that my love is on vacation this week. We get to have lots of adventures. Today we will play with GRANDBOYS and have fun.
24.I am thankful, today and EVERY day, for my wonderful sons. Michael Lambert and Zach Lambert , I know I don't get to spend much time with you because you are busy being great husbands, fathers, and providers for your family. But I want you to know how much I love you and how very proud I am of both of you. You're the best!!!!
25.I am thankful for my computer. I can keep in touch with my friends. I can explore for inspiration in my creation. I can find the answers to many of my questions. And I can keep pictures of my family at my finger tips to look at when ever I please. Technology can be a wonderful thing.
I leave you with this question........
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